How To Reorder Questions And Categories
Learn how to easily rearrange questions and categories in your dashboard to improve organization and flow.
Moving the most viewed questions/categories to the top of your knowledge base helps to promote user engagement!
To reorder your content:
- Log Into Helpjuice
- On your Dashboard, hover over the content you would like to move
- Click on
and drag up or down to the appropriate spot
If you'd like a question to be shown first, all you'd have to do, is drag the drag icon way to the top of the list – Helpjuice does the rest 😉
KEEP IN MIND You have to sort by Position to be able to use this feature and you cannot drag an article on top of a category (If you really want to achieve this, we can implement this for you in the frontend through code customization).

If you can't see the icon, please clear your cache and cookies and try again.