How To Create, Publish and Unpublish Articles
Articles are used to provide a deeper understanding of a topic and help to keep an organized structure on your knowledge base.
When you create a new article, it is automatically saved as a Draft and will not be published until you publish it (even if the article is Public).
Create an Article
- Log Into Helpjuice
- Click on + in the side panel or click on New Article + in the upper right corner of your Dashboard
- That's it! You can start writing content
Draft Articles
Drafts are not indexed by the Helpjuice search engine and will not be shown to users who are using your knowledge base. You can work on a Draft Revision until it is ready to be published and the content can be previewed by clicking on the Preview button.
Ready to publish? Take a look at the section below:
Publish a Draft Article
If you want to publish the content, all you have to do is click on the Publish button and the article will be available to your users. To view the published version, simply click on the View Published button on the top-right of the page.

If you are experiencing issues with publishing your article, it might be caused due to a duplicate slug which causes redirection issues.
For example, if you click on the Publish button and you see that the page loads but the status is still set to Draft then this is most likely a duplicate slug issue. In this case, we suggest that you update the slug to make sure it's unique.
Unpublish an Article
If you no longer want the article to be published and want to remove it from the public view, you can simply click the Draft & Unpublish button!