Overview: Internal Blocks of a Public Article
Table of Contents
What are Internal Sections/Blocks? What do Internal Blocks look like? How do I Create an Internal Block? Internal Blocks/Callouts Private Blocks/CalloutsWhat are Internal Sections/Blocks?
Sometimes you'd like for your public article to have a part that only your team, or a subset of your team can see. To achieve this, we would simply create an internal block, define who we wish to see it and insert the content.
What do Internal Blocks look like?
For the end-user that cannot see it, they simply won't see that section.
For the user that can see it, they'll see something similar to this:
How do I Create an Internal Block?
In the article editor, click on the Insert Internal Block option.

A Restricted Section will be created, and you can choose if it will be INTERNAL or PRIVATE.

Internal Blocks/Callouts
An internal block is visible only to internal Helpjuice users.
For example: You can have a PUBLIC article, which anyone can access, but an INTERNAL block that only your Helpjuice users can access.
Private Blocks/Callouts
Private blocks are only visible to select Helpjuice Users or Groups.
It is important to mention that the Access Level of Articles will always have priority over the Access Level of Restricted Sections, which means that all users with permission to Edit the article will be able to see all its Restricted Sections in the Article Editor.