Shopify/Liquid Category Objects
Category liquid variables
This is the complete list of the category attributes available on the template engine.
- Identification number of said category;
- Retrieve a String with the full name of the question;
- category.description:
- category.image_url:
- category.is_internal?: Boolean value returns true if the question is indeed internal;
- category.has_children?: Boolean value, assumes true if the current category have subcategories.
- category.show_all_questions_link: URL Slug text starting imidiately after the domain;
- category.category_link: A anchor tag with name and href to the category;
- category.url: URL Slug text starting imidiately after the domain;
- category.number_of_questions:
- category.created_at:
- category.updated_at:
- category.root: Return a single object parent to the current category;
- category.parent: Return a single object parent to the current category;
- category.ordered_subcategories:
- category.published_questions: List of published questions in this category, subcategories not included;
- category.published_questions_by_id: returns the questions object ordered by ID;
- category.all_self_and_descendants: List of category objects with children and the current category it self;
- category.descendants: List of category objects containing all the children and beyond categories;
- category.children: List of category objects containing all the children and beyond categories;
- category.number_of_questions: quantity of questions inside this category, subcategories not included, can be replaced by {{category.questions.size}};
- category.questions: List of all questions in this category, subcategories not included;