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Introduction Customization Requests are technical requests that involve modifying the appearance and behavior of the frontend of your Knowledge Base. To learn how to write and submit a Customization Request, please refer to How To Submit Customization Requests . Frontend Features Please be advised that not all frontend features are customizable. If
The index page is the first page loaded when accessing the Knowledge Base. It usually counts with a grid containing the all categories or at least the top categories to ensure a friendly navigation to the end-user. Check the Standard Sections article to obtain a comprehensive list of sections. Index Page on the Helpjuice's Template Engine The highl
This is the complete list of the global objects available on the template engine. Initially, the global objects can be grouped by: Verification variables: Information about the current page; User/Account variables: Information about the user and the knowledge base account; Template variables: Information related to the template; Content related vari
Helpjuice's template engine is based on Liquid. As Liquid is a template language, it allows you to control the logic flow and use objects while creating amazing templates for web pages. There are three main groups of available objects on the template engine: Global variables - These variables are related to the knowledge base itself. Some of them ar
The Popular Questions Section is a list of the most viewed questions on the Knowledge Base. These articles are very important, mainly because of its useful measure indicative: the views quantity. This is how you can display a list of the 10 most viewed articles: {% if top_questions.size > 0 %} <h2>Popular Articles</h2> <ul id="rece
The Recently Updated Section is very important, as it lists not only new articles, but also articles that had been modified. This is how you can display a list of the 10 last recently updated articles: {% if recent_updates.size > 0 %} <h2>Recently Updated Articles</h2> <ul id="recently_updated"> {% for question in recent_updates
The Question Page is the page loaded everytime a user access a question. This is the most important page in the Knowledge Base, several sections can be used to improve navigation between related topics and relevant content. Question Page Concept The highlighted section represents the content of the Question Page theme file located on the customize s
It is possible to hide or show different parts of your template according to the current page being accessed using Liquid Tags. You can create Contextual Sections within any template file; for instance, to create a Contact Us Section on the Main Layout, you can use something similar to this code: {% if on_show_question_page %} <!-- content for
The Category Page holds a list of subsequent categories and questions under the specific category. Check the Standard Sections article to obtain a comprehensive list of sections available to use. The Category Page usually counts with two lists: Subcategories List: Child categories are sub-topics under the specific category; Questions List: All ques
In order to display the object value, you'll need to make sure it's inside the brackets markup as the following example: <h1>{{ }}</h1> This would output "Shopify/Liquid Object Syntax" on this specific page. Wrong Syntax: <h1>{% %}</h1> <h1>{{ </h1>}} The above examples wo
The Helpjuice's Template Engine provides the Basic Customization Feature. This feature allows you to easily change some basic layout details that the Knowledge Base uses, like links and body colors. Basic Customization The Basic Customization feature can be found under the Basic tab on the Customize Section. It allows you to choose images, colors an
Custom redirects are redirects that are not covered on the Article Redirects feature, learn more at How to Create Article/URL Redirects . For instance: Redirects from valid URLs on your KB; Redirects based on search parameters or event listeners; In order to redirect users before the page is fully loaded, place the code in the Main Layout file, insi
This is the Complete Object Reference. For specific objects, check the grouped version: Global variables - These variables are related to the knowledge base itself. Some of them are template related or account related. See more at Shopify/Liquid Global Objects; Category variables - These variables are related to the category object. See more at Sho
Every time you need to limit a loop statement or change the output of an object value, you can rely on Liquid Filters. Limit filter The following example is the same example found in the Shopify/Liquid Logic Syntax page plus the limit filter: <ul class="top_categories"> {% for categories in roots_categories | limit: 5 %} <li class="categor
As Liquid is a template language, it allows you to control the logic flow and use objects while creating amazing templates for web pages. When it comes to Liquid, there're three concepts you'll need to know: How to get a object value: This is the key to create dynamic pages. Check the Shopify/Liquid Object Syntax article; How to control the logic f
The Liquid Logical Statements are useful if you want to check some variable before displaying it or if you want to create a specific list based on another object. If Statement The If Statement allows you to verify the object value when needed: {% if == "Getting Started" %} <p>Only printed if the question name is "Getting Started"
This is the complete list of the category attributes available on the template engine. Identification number of said category; Retrieve a String with the full name of the question; category.description: category.image_url: category.is_internal?: Boolean value returns true if the question is indeed internal; category.has_c
A Template Engine replaces variables in the template files with actual values, and transforms the template into the final file. Helpjuice's Template Engine is based on Liquid and nine default files. These files contains all the code needed to display the support site completely such as HTML code for different page types, javascript and css files. Th
This is the complete list of the question attributes available on the template engine. Identification number of said question; Retrieve a String with the full name of the question; question.description: This is the question subtitle; question.category: Fetch the parent category to the specific question and returns as a ob
The Standard Sections list contains: Recently Updated Articles: This is a list with the most recently updated/created questions. See more information at Recently Updated Standard Section; Root Questions: This is a list with the questions on the root level (the dashboard) - sometimes these questions are very important and need to be highlighted. Se
If glossary terms are not being highlighted on the article body, or if the definition of the terms is not being displayed on hover, it could be due to a missing line of code or attribute in the KB. To enable the glossary feature, the following code should be present on your Knowledge Base: On the main layout file: <link rel="stylesheet" href="/kn
During customization, the Root Questions Section can be placed on the Index Page or even on the bottom of every page with a different name such as "Useful links". This is how you can display a list with 10 root questions: {% if root_questions.size > 0 %} <h2>Useful links:</h2> <ul id="root_questions"> {% for question in root_que
The Top Categories Section is a list of the main categories. Any other category inside the Knowledge Base will be inside these categories, that means that the Top Categories are the most important category type. This is how you can display a list of all the Top Categories: {% if roots_categories.size > 0 %} <h2>Popular Topics</h2> <
Users might not be searching using the search bar: They may want to navigate through the categories links and its subcategories links. This is how you can create a simple Categories Navigation Section displaying all questions inside them: <ul id="main_navigation"> {% for categories in roots_categories %} <li class="category_item"> <h2