Mastering the Article Review Process: Tools for Effective Collaboration
Learn about the steps involved in the review process and how it benefits authors, reviewers, and readers alike.
Table of Contents
Submitting an Article for Review Reviewer Notification and Access Internal Comments for Collaboration Approving or Disapproving the Article Final Approval and Publication Review Process SettingsAt Helpjuice, we believe in a seamless and efficient article review process to ensure the highest quality of Knowledge Base content. Our review system allows users to collaborate easily, submit articles for feedback, and manage approvals with just a few clicks. Here’s how our article review process works:
Submitting an Article for Review
Any user can submit an article for review by assigning it to one or more specific reviewers. If additional details are necessary, users can add a personalized message along with the request. For instance, if there’s a particular section that needs extra attention, the user can specify: “Please review section number 5 of the article.”

If an article is Private and only has a Group added to the permission list, only the entire Group can be added as a reviewer. Specific users from the group cannot be assigned as reviewers unless they are individually added to the parent category associated with the article.
Reviewer Notification and Access
Once the review request is submitted, an automated email notification is sent to the assigned reviewers. The email includes a direct link to the article editor, where the reviewers can easily access and begin the review process.

Internal Comments for Collaboration
A key feature that enhances collaboration during the review process is internal comments. This allows users to provide detailed feedback on specific sections of the article. Once the reviewer opens an article, they can select any portion of text within the body and click on the comment icon to leave feedback. Comments can point out exact areas for adjustment, ensuring clarity and precision in the feedback process.
More information can be found here → How Article Commenting Works
Approving or Disapproving the Article
Reviewers have the option to either approve or disapprove the article after completing their review. If they disapprove, they can leave a message detailing the required changes, providing clear feedback to the author. The author will receive a notification of the disapproval and can make the necessary edits before re-submitting the article for another round of review.

NOTE: articles need to be approved before they can be published, however, Super Admins/Admins/Collaborators may be able to bypass this rule to unlock the publishing action depending on your Review Process settings.

Final Approval and Publication
If the article meets all the necessary standards, the reviewer can approve it. Once approved, the article will automatically be tagged as Reviewed and Approved, and it will be ready for publication! A confirmation message will appear: "This article has been approved and is ready to be published."

Review Process Settings
To ensure the article review process aligns with your organization’s needs, Helpjuice offers customizable review process settings. Here are the key options available:
Authorization Rules:
- Number of Approvals: Decide how many approvals an article in review needs before it can be published. You can choose to require that all reviewers approve the article or allow it to be published with the approval of any one of the reviewers.

Bypass the Number of Approvals Rule:
- Determine who can publish an article in review before it receives the required approvals. You can select from three user roles: super admins, admins, and collaborators. This can include one role, any combination of two, all three, or none at all, meaning no user will be able to bypass the number of approvals rule.

The Review Process settings can be found in your settings page under the Knowledge Base Settings section.
By following these steps, you can ensure that your articles are reviewed efficiently, approved in a timely manner, and ready for your users to access!