In this section you can check the total number of searches, how many searches found answers, how many bounced and how many searches returned no results.
How do I Access this Section?
- Open your Dashboard
- Click on the Analytics icon
- In the Analytics page, access the Searches tab
Let's explore some common Metrics
Found Answers
Found answer is a Yes/No metric, which indicates if at least one result/match was found.
Bounce is the relationship between people who sought some keyword on the Knowledge Base but found nothing relevant and didn't take any further action. This means that even if the search returned results, none of them were relevant to the user.
Bounced happens in two situations:
- Users found results, but they didn't click on any of the results.
- Users didn't find results, therefore they didn't click on anything.
Searches returned no results
No articles found for a given search.
Let's say I searched for some keyword and 0 articles were found - in the analytics page you will see:
- Found Answer: No
- Bounced: 1
- Searches returned no results: 1
However, if my search returns results but I don't click anything:
- Found Answer: Yes
- Bounced: 1