Users/Groups Tab
A comprehensive guide to monitoring user engagement and group performance
Table of Contents
What is the Users/Groups Tab in the Analytics Section? Why are the Users/Groups Analytics Important? How Do I Access This Section? Tables in This Section Checking the Activity of Each User/Group How Do I Filter the Data? How Do I Export the Data? Data DictionaryWhat is the Users/Groups Tab in the Analytics Section?
The Users/Groups tab in the analytics section provides valuable insights into the activity levels of individual users and groups within your Knowledge Base. This feature allows you to track user engagement and assess how different groups are interacting with your content, helping you understand usage patterns and identify areas for improvement.
Why are the Users/Groups Analytics Important?
Monitoring user and group activity is crucial for several reasons:
- Engagement Insights: Understanding who is using your Knowledge Base and how they interact with the content can help tailor resources to meet user needs effectively.
- Performance Tracking: By analyzing activity data, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your Knowledge Base and make informed decisions on content updates or enhancements.
- Identifying Trends: Recognizing patterns in user behavior can reveal trends that may inform your future content strategy or training needs.
How Do I Access This Section?
Accessing the Users/Groups tab is straightforward. Follow these steps:
- Open your Dashboard.
- Click on the Analytics icon.
- In the Analytics page, navigate to the Users/Groups tab.

Tables in This Section
Users Table
The Users table provides a detailed view of individual user activity with the following columns:
- Full Name: The name of the user.
- Role: The user’s role within the Knowledge Base.
- Articles Updated: The number of articles the user has updated.
- Searches (count): The total number of searches conducted by the user.
- Articles Viewed: The total number of articles viewed by the user.
- Articles Read: The number of articles the user has read (spent at least 10 seconds on the page).
- Last Logged In: The last time the user accessed the system.
- Last Contributed: The date of the user’s most recent contribution.

Groups Table
The Groups table summarizes group activity with the following columns:
- Group Name: The name of the group.
- Articles Updated: The number of articles updated by the group.
- Searches: The total number of searches conducted by the group.
- Articles Viewed: The total number of articles viewed by the group.
- Articles Read: The number of articles read by the group.

Checking the Activity of Each User/Group
To delve deeper into user or group activities, simply click on the respective User name or Group. This action will display a complete list of their activities, providing you with detailed insights into their engagement with your Knowledge Base.
How Do I Filter the Data?
The Articles tab allows you to filter the analytics data by:
- Timeframe: Use the calendar to set a specific date range or choose from options like Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, or All Time.
- Accessibility: Filter searches by Public Only, Internal Only, or Both Public & Internal.

How Do I Export the Data?
You can export the analytics data for articles in .XLS or .CSV format for further analysis. To do so, simply scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Export XLS or Export CSV, and the file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.

Data Dictionary
Users File
The Users File includes the following fields:
Column | Description |
Name | The full name of the user |
The user's email address | |
Articles Updated | The number of articles the user has updated |
Articles Viewed | The total number of articles viewed by the user |
Articles Read | The number of articles the user has read. |
Current Sign In At | The timestamp of the user's current sign-in |
Last Contributed | The date of the user’s most recent contribution |
Groups File
The Groups File includes the following fields:
Column | Description |
Name | The full name of the group |
Articles Updated | The number of articles updated by the group |
Searches | The total number of searches conducted by the group |
Articles Viewed | The total number of articles viewed by the group |
Articles Read | The number of articles read by the group |