How To Retrieve Searches Through API
Note: You're located in section for advanced users. Please use this section only if you're familiar with API's.
Use the following URL to retrieve searches:
id,account_id,query,query_without_stopwords,ip,search_count,found_answer,contacted_support,created_at,updated_at,clicked,indexed,readings,found_answers,views 3453162,1885,installing,installing,,1,true,false,2015-06-19 23:27:43 UTC,2015-06-19 23:27:43 UTC,,true,,, 2816305,1885,installing,installing,,1,true,false,2015-05-01 00:17:29 UTC,2015-05-01 00:17:29 UTC,,true,,, 2816306,1885,non profit,non profit,,1,false,false,2015-05-01 00:17:40 UTC,2015-05-01 00:17:40 UTC,,true,,, 3453171,1885,installing,installing,,1,true,false,2015-06-19 23:27:44 UTC,2015-06-19 23:27:44 UTC,,true,,,
By default, searches will be returned in CSV format. However, it's possible to retrieve them in one other format: XLS. To do so, you just need to specify the format in the URL, as follows: => to retrieve XLS spreadsheet
Blank response: if you are not seeing any data, or you are receiving a corrupted file (in case of XLS), that's because your Knowledge Base is marked as internally only. Solution: if you are using a browser to access the data, just sign in before making the request. Otherwise, you'll need to use your Private Key (accessible under Settings > API Credentials) in a request parameter called api_key, like: