Zapier Integration
Connect Helpjuice to Thousands of Apps with the Integration
With the Helpjuice Zapier integration you can connect your Helpjuice knowledge base to over 1,000+ Integrations.
Some examples of what you can do with this after integration include:
- Automatically reply to a support email with a relevant knowledge base article based off the email contents by searching the knowledge base.
- Automatically create knowledge base articles from Google Drive, whenever there's a new file
- Automatically update your knowledge base based off my spreadsheet
- Automatically update spreadsheet records when a knowledge base article is created
Set up instructions:
- Log in (sign up if you don't have one) to a account
- Login to your account
- Go to your Settings and Copy your API key (see how)
- Visit our Zapier Helpjuice Installation Page
- Click on “Accept Invite & Build A Zap”
- Build a Zap!
To Get Started, Click The Button Below:
Sample Video of a Helpjuice Zap