Users Section
A complete guide to adding, editing, and organizing users in your Knowledge Base
Table of Contents
Filtering Sorting Users Adding New Users User Overview User Actions Bulk Actions Exporting Users Data DictionaryThe Users section is designed for easy user management within your account. Adding, editing, filtering, importing, or exporting users to and from your account has never been easier.
This article will serve as a guide through the different options and functionalities that this feature has to offer.
FYI We paginate records with a limit set to 60 by default for easier navigation.
You have two search options: Simple Search and Advanced Search. Both let you filter by multiple values, separated by a comma, "or", or "OR".
Simple Search
A simple search is designed to optimize your workflow. By typing into the search bar, you will be filtering users by their full name. This search bar can also take in multiple search values, allowing for faster navigation and more efficient user management.
Advanced Search
Advanced filtering will enable you to query users by multiple fields at once, either through UI or query writing. Each field can take multiple values, and it can be combined with other fields. When building a query please be sure to separate keys with & symbol.
Filtering through UI will also generate a search query that will be located in the search field, and you can edit this query for better workflow.

Sorting Users
By default, all users are sorted by role. However, you can choose to sort them by name or job title. Sorting options can be found next to each attribute in the table header, and sorting can be combined with other actions like filtering or editing.

Adding New Users
To add a new user, click the Add New User button or import users via CSV.
Learn more about adding users → How To Add Users
User Overview
Clicking on a user’s name brings up detailed information, including the user’s attributes, role, and activity stats.

User Actions
When you hover over a user’s name, several options appear:
Edit User
Change attributes such as first name, last name, email, job title, role, and assigned groups.

Delete User
Administrators and Super Administrators can delete users. Once deleted, a user can be added again if needed.

Learn more about deleting users → How To Delete Users
Deactivate/Reactivate User
Temporarily restrict a user’s access to the Knowledge Base. Deactivated users can be reactivated by an admin at any time.

User's Activities
You can check the user's activities by clicking on
Bulk Actions
Perform actions on multiple users at once by selecting the users using the checkbox next to their name. You can also use the "check all" option to select all users on a page:

Bulk actions include:
Edit Users
In this bulk action changed parameters will be applied to selected users.

Activate/Deactivate Users
In this bulk action selected users will be deactivated or reactivated.

Delete Users
In this bulk action selected users will be removed from the account.

Exporting Users
You can export the User's file in CSV or XLS format:
- Log into Helpjuice
- On your Dashboard, click on the Users button
- Click on Export Users
- Choose between Export CSV or Export XLS.
The Users file exported from the Users page includes up to 1000 users. If you have +1000 users:
- Super Administrators: Export a backup from the Backup & Restore section and check the Users.csv file. More information can be found here → How To Create & Restore Backups.
Super Administrators & Administrators: Export the Users file in CSV or XLS format from the Export Data page.
Data Dictionary
When exporting users, the following fields will appear in the file. These fields help you better understand the exported data:
Column | Description |
id | The id of the user |
first_name | The user's first name |
last_name | The user's last name |
job_title | The user's job title |
The user's email address | |
notify_about_drafts |
Email Notification: Drafts Submitted For Review
notify_about_articles |
Email Notification: Notify About New Published Articles
weekly_analytics_subscribed |
Email Notification: Weekly Analytics Email
weekly_articles_subscribed |
Email Notification: Notify Weekly About Changes In Followed Articles
sign_in_count | How many times a user has logged in since they were added to the KB |
current_sign_in_at | Is updated every time the user signs in |
last_sign_in_at | Is the timestamp for the previous login |
created_at | When the user account was created |
updated_at | The last time the user account was updated |
password_changed_at | The last time the user updated their password |
role_id | The user's user role |
deactivated_at | Indicates when the user was deactivated |