All knowledge bases come with a Contact Us form, which can be customized according to your needs. For more information on how to request a customization check this article.
Contact Form Recipients
You can always change the email address to which Helpjuice sends contact form submissions. To change where Helpjuice emails are sent to:
- Click on your Profile Picture > Settings
- Access the Contact Form section
- In the Support E-mail field, enter the desired email address
- If this field is left empty, the account owner will receive the contact form emails.
By default, the Support E-mail Subject is set to [Support] {{ }}
Avoiding Spam
In order to avoid spam, we can add reCAPTCHA to the contact-us/feedback forms. You just need to generate a v2 key pair at, access, fill in the reCAPTCHA fields, send us a customization request and will implement it for you!