How To Perform Searches Through API
Note: You're located in section for advanced users. Please use this section only if you're familiar with API's.
To search for questions using our API, use the following URL:
It's possible to scope the search within a specific language. To do so, just provide the desired language in the URL using the following syntax:
Sample answer:
[ { "question":{ "id":163642, "name":"Retrieving Answers through API", "is_published":true, "category_id":7751, "account_id":1885, "url":"/API/retrieving-answers-through-api", "created_at":"2016-06-12T16:50:55.673Z", "votes":0, "is_internal?":false, "slug":"retrieving-answers-through-api", "answer_sample":"Note: You're located in section for advanced users. Please use this section only ", "long_answer_sample":"Note: You're located in section for advanced users. Please use this section only if you're familiar with API's.Use the following URL to retrieve's possible to scope the answers within a specific language. To do so, just provide the desired language in the URL using the following syntax:my_account.helpju", "first_category":"API", "categories_display_for_views":"API", "parent_categories":[7751,7729], "categories":{ "current":{ "id":7751, "name":"API", "url":"/API" } } } } ]