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This page explains how Google Sign In is handled by Helpjuice. Google allows companies to have their own domain in their e-mails, like e-mails This feature can be used by Helpjuice's clients to create/authenticate accounts. This is how Helpjuice a Sign In callback from Google: If there's a user with the exact e-mail authenticated thr
Helpjuice supports authenticating users via Single Sign On with JWT. It works like this: The user chooses to authenticate through SSO Helpjuice redirects the user to your website where they can authenticate with a user/password Your website generates a JSON Web Token using the shared key Helpjuice provides and redirects the user with the token back
When using a custom domain name (CNAME, like, you may have an issue with Too Many Redirects. This is a problem with your custom domain configuration, not with Helpjuice, and you may need to reach out to the person responsible for maintaining your domain (DNS) configuration. When that error shows up, it's because your custom dom
This article is dedicated to knowledge bases that are not managed by Helpjuice itself, but rather use our APIs to retrieve content. Helpjuice does not have dedicated API endpoints for incrementing views and readings under the "/api" section. However, if you are using our API to show content outside of Helpjuice you can user the same endpoints that w
Overview To authenticate your Helpjuice users with Okta we have two approaches, first using our prebuild app, and this is the most useful if your users in Okta have a matching email eg. user , but in cases where there are many users with different domains we will have to set up additional fields or create a new Okta app. Helpjuice Okt
Our Salesforce integration works with Salesforce Casesand has the following features: Once inside a case page, the app shows up and suggests articles matching that case's subject. The agent can search for articles from the app. The agent can link articles to the case. Linked articles can be unlinked by agents. The agent can create new articles from
To enable SSO in your Azure account, follow the steps in this tutorial: For the Basic SAML Configuration, use the following information: After that, go to Helpjuice Settings > SSO (SAML) and input the configuration provided by your Azure AD SAML Toolkit as fol
Helpjuice supports LDAP authentication. You can also use ActiveDirectory with it. To get it working with your account, go to Settings > LDAP and Active Directory. Fill in those fields with the details for your servers: After this, to sign in using your LDAP, in the Sign In page you need to click on Custom Authentications: Then you have to provide
Helpjuice supports SSO authentication with ADFS. To make it work, you'll need to configure Helpjuice as a trusted party in your ADFS server. In some cases, you may use the XML Metadata below to do it, but you can also do it using their step-by-step wizard. XML Metadata: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <EntityDescriptor ID="_271f377f-
Helpjuice provides an Olark plugin to integrate with your Olark chat! By doing so, Helpjuice will analyze when users start chatting with you and smartly find Knowledge Base articles that match what the user is talking about and suggest them to you so you can use as a response. This integration allows you to provide your customers with the most relev
You can easily upvote/downvote questions through our API. Here are the endpoints: PUT /api/questions/ID/upvote PUT /api/questions/ID/downvote Both endpoints return an empty response with status OK to confirm it worked.