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ℹ️ Please note that we are not phasing out the older editor for now and you should still be able to use both of them! To switch from one editor to another, you should: Click on More (Legacy Editor) or (New Editor) Click on Switch to New Editor or Switch to Legacy Editor Here is an example: ⚠️ When you switch to the new editor, some elements su
If you are a Super Administrator or Administrator, you can download a Searches Report in two main areas of your Knowledge Base: Analytics and Export Data pages How to Export the Searches Report? Analytics Section Export Data Section The Analytics Section allows the searches to be filtered and exported by Time Range (custom period or one of the
Get Instant Answers with Swifty Meet Swifty, our AI Chatbot & Helpbar that delivers instant, accurate answers to your questions. Simply ask or search, and Swifty will provide a direct response in seconds. Try Swifty → Customize Your Knowledge Base in Clicks Say hello to the Advanced Visual Editor—no coding required! Transform your Knowledge Base
When copying and pasting content from one source to another, such as from a website or document into a Knowledge Base, it is important to be aware that additional styles may be added. These extra styles can be unintentionally carried over along with the copied content, resulting in a visually inconsistent appearance within the Knowledge Base. To r
You're able to embed any content you want as long as the platform hosting that content provides an embed code! Old Editor Once you have the embed code, click on Insert Files > Embedded Code and paste the code. You can also switch to the Code View , insert the embed code, and click on Code View again to return to the editor mode. New Editor Cl
How to Create an Anchor from a Regular Text to a Regular Text Adding an anchor link that points to a specific section of an article needs some HTML coding, which needs to be done in the Code View in the Old Editor or the Source in the New Editor. If you feel comfortable doing so, please follow the steps below. Old Editor 1. Anchor that points to a s
This article will guide you through each option available on the Languages & Translations settings page ( How To Set The Default Knowledge Base Language When you access your Dashboard (, you will be taken to the language section set as the